Congratulations! You have decided to educate your little school of fish in your own fish bowl and not send them out into that huge public school aquarium. What a privilege to share this journey with your children! They have the wonderful opportunity to experience truly individualized instruction designed uniquely to meet their particular interests and needs in the safety and comfort of their loving home.
Here is something to consider. Do you know your child as a learner? Do you know his/her personality type and how that affects behavior and learning? Do you know your child's learning style? Is he/she primarily auditory, visual or kinesthetic/tactile? Do you know your child's love language and whether or not your child has grit?
To make things even more complicated, do you know all these things about yourself? Your profile might not be the same as your child's. It is helpful to understand the differences. If you instruct the way you learn and perceive the world, then you might not be meeting the needs of your children as individuals. The proper learning environment and motivational bait are different for each learner.
This book is designed to give you all the tools necessary to assemble a personal learning profile for each of your children and for yourself. To make things easier, all the assessments and worksheets you will need, along with the helpful resource material, are available at the end of each chapter, and there are accompanying workbooks available for your children.
A fishy theme is used to unify the information in the book and to have some fun. As you thumb through the pages, one of the first things you will notice are the humorous fish cartoons and the thought-provoking reflective pools. Interspersed throughout the book, you will enjoy the snapshots of homeschool experiences shared by veteran homeschool educators, and the inspiring quotes. Chapters are designed to help you develop individual learning opportunities, communicate more effectively, encourage positive behavior, and motivate and engage your children into learning efficiently. The last chapter, Gasping for Air, will help you and your children practice self-care, so everyone can thrive in a happy, stress-free environment.
These books were authored by:
Nancy Piercy and Sue Nothstine
Graphic Artists - Josh Cotter,
Olivia Piercy & Renee Pasley Beggs
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“This is the book we needed when we began our homeschooling journey with our four sons over a decade ago. There is so much helpful information and so many resources packed in this incredible book that will not only ease the anxiety of becoming your child's educator and help you become a more effective teacher, but also help you understand your child better in all aspects of parenthood. Kudos to the authors for making a clear, easy-to-use, and informative book for the growing homeschool population. I believe it is essential reading for anyone who wants to homeschool their children or even just to understand them better. Highly recommended.” Julie L. Casey, author & homeschool educator.
Each and every child is unique. It is advantageous, if you are going to be homeschooling, to become acquainted with your child as a learner. We suggest ways to do just that and explain why it is so important
YOU . . . are the most important ingredient in the homeschool environment. You can lead your children to life-long learning with a steady hand and a willing heart. Be open to change. Try some new ideas. Improve your teaching skills through use of our helpful resources.
When homeschooling becomes a bit hectic, do you have the resources you need to encourage positive behavior?
We can guide you in this arena, and homeschool can become a pleasure for everyone, and everyday home behavior might improve also!
Do you want to hook your children into learning? You can investigate their personality style, love language, developmental stage, learning style, personal interests and study habits. We provide strategies and assessments to make this very important journey easy and fun for both of you.
No two children are alike. What worked with your first child might be useless with the second. Remember, among other things, gender differences, personality, and human nature will greatly affect how each child receives your guidance. Don't get discouraged. We have lots of strategies to make you a superstar home school parent teacher.
Do you sometimes feel like you are talking to the wall when attempting to engage your child? Don't get discouraged. We have lots of strategies to make you a superstar parent teacher. Sometimes just a few useful techniques can make a world of difference in the outcome of communication with your children.
You know your child as your son or daughter, but do you know them as a student? Your children will appreciate it if you see them as they are and adjust your teaching style to fit each of them individually. Our book, Homeschool Tackle Box, guides you through how to get to know each child as a unique learner.
Our book includes the tools you need: assessments, worksheets, additional resources, activities, creative ideas and strategies designed just for homeschool parent educators. And, workbooks are available for your children!
Besides the handbook for homeschool educators, there are two workbooks that accompany the text. The teen workbook, Learn All About You, is designed to engage your teen in learning about themselves while you, the homeschool educator, apply the ideas from the book. This endeavor culminates in a creative project of which your child can be proud. With each activity, he/she will become more aware of how they think, what they need in place to learn, how to interact with others and how to implement self-care. Your children will be pleased to share their workbook with others and hang their collage on the wall; being reminded of how each of them is an extraordinarily complex, unique, and valued individual.
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Key in "Tackle Box Learn All About You"
The Elementary Workbook contains activities for younger children in your family so they can be included in some of the fun. These activities are also aligned with the handbook for homeschool educators. The children working through this workbook will create a book of their own showing the things they learned about themselves. The activities are both fun and educational.
Also, these two workbooks will eventually be combined into a stand-alone guidebook for counselors, scout or church leaders, team builders, just anyone working with youth.
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